A girl jumping across a stream

Begin your journey back to wellness at Wellspring’s residential programs and private special education school.

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Girls in a field of flowers

Wellspring offers trauma informed, relationally-centered programs, that are infused with evidence based practices:

  • Adolescent Residential Treatment Programs that are family-friendly, for girls struggling with mental health, relational, emotional, and learning challenges.
  • Arch Bridge School: A private special education school for residential programs and day students from surrounding communities.
  • Adult Residential Program for women & gender diverse people who struggle with a variety of psychiatric conditions and relational challenges.  Including Individualized Transition Year Services or High School Diploma Completion from Arch Bridge School.
  • Outpatient therapies and counseling services for all.

The relationships I formed at Wellspring were some of the first healthy, lasting relationships I created. I never felt alone, and more importantly I didn’t want to be alone anymore.

— Former Wellspring Resident

Will your loved one get better?

If they're willing to do the work...The answer is yes!

We survey parents and clients at admission and discharge, and our outcomes show consistent improvement.


High school graduation rate over the past ten years.


Of families surveyed during the last three years report that progress is being made in treatment.


Of parents surveyed during the last three years report that the environment is safe and supports treatment.


Of families surveyed during the last three years report that their child’s plan is clear and understandable.

Wellspring's administrative building is on main campus where we have our adolescent residential programs and Arch Bridge School.

Accreditations, Inspections & Approvals

Wellspring and the Arch Bridge School has sought out and obtained the highest levels of inspections and accreditations available for both Private Schools and Residential Treatment Programs.

Holly Savage
Staff Spotlight

Holly Savage

Psychotherapist, Beauvais House

Holly Savage has been a psychotherapist at the adolescent program for over twenty-five years.  She first learned about Wellspring when she was working as a therapist at a local hospital.  In searching for a meaningful aftercare program for a patient there, she first learned of Wellspring and came to visit to scout it out as a possible option.  What she encountered that day moved her profoundly.

Keep Reading

Holly never forgot that visit, and five years later she joined Wellspring, which turned out to be a gift to Wellspring because with Holly came a beautiful heart, a creative mind, a deep commitment to authenticity and truth, along with Jungian Sand Tray therapy. Always open to opportunities to learn, Holly keeps her vision clear and open to deepen her work.  And when she describes Wellspring in a nutshell, she smiles and says, “We’re the real deal.”


Support Wellspring and our mission to provide exceptional care and education.

Wellspring families, staff and board members are passionate about making a difference in the lives of those we serve. We hope you feel the same passion and will consider contributing to Wellspring today. Your gift helps others learn that their lives have value.

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